
Why the West Should Relax About China
By Robert E. Kelly

Blink and You Will Miss It: Obama’s Quiet Pivot Progress
Critics of various aspects of the rebalance notwithstanding, the U.S. is moving forward on a number of fronts.

Hagel Explains his Southeast Asia Trip … On YouTube
Chuck Hagel takes to YouTube to explain his most recent trip to the region.

Does the President Have the Power to Protect US Allies?
Obama going to Congress on Syria raises questions about America’s commitments to allies in Asia.

US Lawmakers Call for Strategic Review of Pivot
Four members of Congress ask the White House for an interagency document on implementing the rebalance.

Hedging: The Real U.S. Policy Towards China?
Is America trying to contain China? No, it could be just hedging its bets.

America's Pivot to Asia: A Report Card
The pivot is a smart policy which is more nuanced than most people realize. But its China blind spot could be its undoing.

Watch Out USA: Mexico Has its Own Asia Pivot Plan
It seems Mexico has its own idea of a “pivot” to Asia. And its all about growing its economy.

A Complex Calculus: China's North Korea Dilemma
It remains in Beijing’s self-interest to provide aid to Pyongyang. The alternatives, like a North Korean collapse, could be far worse.

Returning to the Land or Turning Toward the Sea? India’s Role in America’s Pivot
China is pushing the U.S. and India closer. Are they focusing on the wrong set of challenges?

From Pivot, to Rebalance, Now “Pacific Dream”
While Xi Jinping may have his “Chinese Dream,” John Kerry has crafted his own “Pacific Dream.”

John Kerry on China and the Pivot
Will America move away from its much discussed pivot to Asia? Recent remarks by John Kerry may provide clues.