
Getting Pacific Russia Right
Some analysts have written off Russia’s claim to being an Asia-Pacific power. They do so at their peril.

"Established Power" vs. "Rising Power"
While in China, U.S. Secretary of State Clinton dares to ask what may be the 21st century’s toughest question.

Rough Waters? The State of the ROK-U.S. Alliance
A number of developments suggest Washington and Seoul have different visions for the future.

Conflict with China: What It Would Look Like, How to Avoid It
“While the risk of conflict with China cannot be ignored, neither should it be exaggerated.”

Why a U.S.-China 'Grand Bargain' in Asia Would Fail
A new book argues for a ‘concert of powers’ to enhance stability while conceding to Beijing a ‘sphere of influence’. It would be a mistake.
Obama's 'Flat-Footed' Pivot
If the U.S. wants to successfully ‘pivot’ to Asia, the Obama Administration needs a more consistent approach.

America's Pivot Tripped Up Down Under?
Canberra has a delicate balancing act to play when considering future American plans in the Pacific.
In Light of the Pivot, Finding Tomorrow's Asia Experts
After a decade’s gaze on the Middle East, America needs people who know Asia, says Eric Sayers.

A Plea for Smart, Forward U.S. Military Engagement
Even after a decade of war, Flournoy and Davidson argue that a forward-engaged U.S. military makes sense.

Why Europe Should Stick To Itself
Should Europe play a greater role in Asia? It has its own problems & should pass, argues Jonathan Holslag.

How Europe Can Support the ‘Pivot’
As America focuses on the ‘Indo-Pacific’, Europe has a vital role to play, James Holmes argues.