
PLA modernization

Pentagon Releases Annual China Military Power Report

Pentagon Releases Annual China Military Power Report

By Steven Stashwick
Unclassified study assesses China now has world’s largest navy, plans to double its nuclear arsenal.

What the Gulf War Teaches About the Future of War

What the Gulf War Teaches About the Future of War

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Gulf War officially ended 27 years ago in February. Time to look at one of the war’s less well known lessons for future conflict.
Bolstering Taiwan's Last Line of Defense

Bolstering Taiwan's Last Line of Defense

By Ian Easton and Dee Wu
There is a lot that Washington can do to boost Taipei's security in the face of the threat posed by Beijing.

Trump Must Boost Taiwan Arms Sales Now

Trump Must Boost Taiwan Arms Sales Now

By Ian Easton
It is essential that the administration gets off to a strong start less the Taiwan Strait flashpoint boil over.

China's Quest for Informatization Drives PLA Reforms

China's Quest for Informatization Drives PLA Reforms

By Elsa Kania and John Costello
China's ongoing military reforms hint at new confidence in the PLA's ability to conduct informatized warfare.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Logic Behind China's Military Reforms

The Logic Behind China's Military Reforms

By Mu Chunshan
By reforming its military, China hopes to catch up to global security trends.

China Vows to ‘Intensify’ Fight Against Tibetan Separatists

China Vows to ‘Intensify’ Fight Against Tibetan Separatists

By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, new railways, military reform, and China in Southeast Asia. Friday China links.
How Foreign Analysis of China's Military Parade Missed the Point

How Foreign Analysis of China's Military Parade Missed the Point

By Zheng Wang
Most outside analysis of China's parade was surprisingly sensationalized, superficial, and over-interpreted.

Is the Chinese Military Weaker Than We Think?

Is the Chinese Military Weaker Than We Think?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report highlights the unpreparedness of the Chinese military for modern conflict.

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