Pol Pot regime

Cambodia’s Special Relationship With India
By Sao Phal Niseiy
Strong ties developed during the Cold War can expand even further under Modi's Act East Policy.

A Moment of Clarity at Cambodia’s Khmer Rouge Tribunal
By Luke Hunt
Testimony unveils more details about one of the world's worst genocides.

1975: The Start and End of Conflict in Southeast Asia
By Mong Palatino
1975 means more to the region than just the end of the Vietnam War.

Evidence Mounts Over Khmer Rouge Genocide of Muslims and Vietnamese
By Luke Hunt
Chilling witness testimonies are heard in an ongoing trial.

Resignation Casts Further Doubts Over Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Cambodia
By Luke Hunt
What is the future of the United Nations-backed war crimes court?

Khmer Rouge Tribunal Gears Up for Next Round
By Luke Hunt
Hearings in the next case against surviving leaders of the Pol Pot regime are expected to begin later this year.
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