
Maori Connection to Antarctic May Predate European ‘Discovery’
By Joshua Mcdonald
New research links the Maori people to possibly discovering Antarctica long before Europeans and Americans.

A Tiff at PIF? Pacific Islands Forum Leadership Change Triggers Frustration
By Grant Wyeth
Within the PIF, leadership has typically rotated between Polynesian, Melanesian, and Micronesian states. Until now, it seems.

Who Will Lead the Pacific Islands Forum?
By Nic Maclellan
Amid shifting geopolitical tides, the race is on to choose a new secretary general for the PIF.

Polynesian Triangulation: Polynesian Leaders’ Group Expands
By Grant Wyeth
New Zealand, Hawaii, and Rapa Nui, the outer points of the triangle, joined the group recently.

Sacred Ink: Tattoos of Polynesia
By Jonathan DeHart
After 150 years of religious suppression, tattoos have returned to their rightful place as cultural symbols of Polynesia.

Chile and the Southeast Pacific
By Balaji Chandramohan
The South American country has a growing presence in the Asia-Pacific.
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