
Can Prayutnomics Help Thailand’s Economy?
By David Hutt
A look at what the prime minister’s tenure may mean for the country’s economic prospects.

Taiwan’s Democracy Is Utterly Confounded by Populist Mayor Han Kuo-yu
By Nick Aspinwall
The controversial Kaohsiung mayor, now a presidential frontrunner, was never supposed to make it this far. It’s an increasingly familiar story.

What Happened to Australia’s Liberal Party?
By Grant Wyeth
The party’s internal meltdown is rooted in the tensions inherent to its liberal and conservative roots.

OECD: Life Satisfaction Falls Amid Slow Recovery From Global Crisis
By Anthony Fensom
The OECD calls its “How’s Life?” report a wake-up call for governments.

The Global Populist Surge Is More than Just a Western Story—Just Look at Asia
By Devin T. Stewart and Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Populism may be surging in the West, but it's a phenomenon across the Asia-Pacific as well.

Why Japan Has No Donald Trump
By Richard Solomon
Unlike the U.S. (Trump) or U.K. (Brexit), Japan lacks a strong, anti-establishment populist movement.

Why Xi Jinping Might Get on Well With Donald Trump
By Kerry Brown
China's leader, though a "princeling," has more in common with populist figures like Trump than first meets the eye.

Japan and the West’s Crisis of Confidence
By Ben Rimland
Japan has largely escaped the wave of turmoil gripping the West. Can it take advantage of the chance to lead?

Hong Kong and Taiwan: Populism or Democracy?
By Jin Kai
Are recent protests in Hong Kong and Taiwan about democracy or a case of populist fever?

Xi's "Man of the People" Persona
By Kerry Brown
Xi Jinping is creating an image of himself as a man of the people. Without actions to back it up, his PR could backfire.
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