Press freedom in Southeast Asia

Press Watchdog Paints Grim Picture of Southeast Asian Media Freedoms
By Sebastian Strangio
Of the region's 11 nations, just two ranked in the top half of the Reporters Without Borders (RSF) World Press Freedom Index.

A Conversation With the President of the Overseas Press Club of Cambodia
By Luke Hunt
Dutch freelance journalist Ate Hoekstra has hopes for a much better 2021 in Indochina.

Southeast Asia, the Frontline for a Free Press
By Ming Yu Hah
The battle for a free press is being fought everywhere. One of its most perilous frontlines is Southeast Asia.

What is the Future of the Media in Myanmar?
By Edward Parker
Myanmar’s media is making progress, “two steps forward, one step back.”

A New ASEAN News Agency?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Malaysia proposes the establishment of a regional media body.
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