
public Opinion

Taiwan, And The World, Needs To Worry About the Western Disinterest In Protecting It

Taiwan, And The World, Needs To Worry About the Western Disinterest In Protecting It

By David Hutt
Western publics appear to have little appetite for direct involvement in a future Taiwan Strait crisis.

How Asians See the World in 2020: Insights From Public Opinion

How Asians See the World in 2020: Insights From Public Opinion

By Ankit Panda
Discussing recent trends in elite and public opinion in Asia.
Kyrgyz Optimistic About Country's Direction and Economy, But Troubled by Corruption

Kyrgyz Optimistic About Country's Direction and Economy, But Troubled by Corruption

By Catherine Putz
Corruption remains a top problem for Kyrgyzstan, even as citizens are optimistic about the country's direction.

Asian Publics Lose Confidence in the United States in the Trump Era

Asian Publics Lose Confidence in the United States in the Trump Era

By Ankit Panda
Asian public opinion has not been too kind to Donald Trump so far.

The 'Final and Irreversible' 2015 Japan-South Korea Comfort Women Deal Unravels

The 'Final and Irreversible' 2015 Japan-South Korea Comfort Women Deal Unravels

By Ankit Panda
Despite a 2015 deal, the "comfort women" dispute between Japan and South Korea continues to have salience for bilateral ties.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

All Over India, a Major Debate on Pakistan As Kashmir Heats up Again

All Over India, a Major Debate on Pakistan As Kashmir Heats up Again

By Padmapriya Govindarajan
Indian public opinion suggests tensions are steadily rising in South Asia.

How Do the United States and Japan See Each Other?

How Do the United States and Japan See Each Other?

By Ankit Panda
A new study sheds light on public attitudes in the United States and Japan.

Capitalism’s Biggest Fan Is Asian… And Communist

By Zachary Keck
A new Pew Research poll found that capitalism’s biggest supporters are all in Asia.

Japan’s Undemocratic Foreign Policy

Japan’s Undemocratic Foreign Policy

By Zachary Keck
Shinzo Abe’s position on the Senkaku Islands dispute is wrongheaded, and the Japanese people know it.

Most Chinese Expect War With Japan

Most Chinese Expect War With Japan

By Zachary Keck
A majority of Chinese believe their country will go to war with Japan in the future.

Asia Fears But Likes China

Asia Fears But Likes China

By Zachary Keck
A new Pew survey finds that Asia nations fear a military conflict with China, but still view it favorable.
Japan’s Popularity Continues to Plummet

Japan’s Popularity Continues to Plummet

By Zachary Keck
A new poll finds Japan increasingly unpopular, but not as unpopular as nuclear-armed nations.

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