quantitative easing

Is Asia Ready for Another Fed Shock?
By Anthony Fensom
Will the threat of another interest rate hike U.S. again roil Asia's markets?

China: Quantitative Easing and the Pollution Problem
By Hy-sang Lee
Beijing has an opportunity to boldly tackle its pollution issue while at the same time stimulating consumption.

‘Perfect Storm’ Threatens Markets
By Anthony Fensom
Downside risks to growth are emerging everywhere.

Asian Economies: Tapering Bomb Still Ticking
The Asian Development Bank warns regional economies to prepare for an end to U.S. bond tapering.

Understanding the "Currency War" Talk
“…currency manipulation is only one tactic in a much larger strategic goal…”

Bank of Japan: Feeling the Squeeze of Quantitative Easing
Japan’s latest decision to “print money” is part of a global trend. There could be consequences.
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