religion in Uzbekistan

New Amendments Target Parents Seeking Islamic Education for Children in Uzbekistan
By Niginakhon Saida
If enacted, a new draft law will add fines and possible jail time for parents that seek illegal Islamic education for their children.

The Hujra Phenomenon: How Do Uzbekistan’s Children Learn About Islam?
By Niginakhon Saida
The apparently increasing number of hujra, clandestine religious classrooms, in Uzbekistan indicates a growing need for formal religious education that is not attainable for many at present.

Religion, Beards, and Uzbekistan’s Secular Government
By Umida Hashimova
The president of Uzbekistan reacted with new appointment and policy changes following the latest beard-shaving raids.

Uzbekistan: Building on Centuries of Inter-Religious Harmony
By Javlon Vakhabov
The new leadership of Uzbekistan is openly tackling a backlog of challenges, including in the field of religious freedoms.
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