Republican Party
GOP Debates: China As Foil
By Mercy A. Kuo and Angelica O. Tang
Will China-bashing or cool-headed candidates prevail?
'Not Indian Enough': Bobby Jindal, Heritage, and Politics
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
U.S. politicians Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley offer two different models for immigrant assimilation.
3 Ways a Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Affect US-China Relations
By Dingding Chen
A Hillary Clinton presidency would certainly present some challenges, but nothing U.S.-China relations can't withstand.
Who Is the US Republican Party’s Leading Iran Skeptic?
By Jack Detsch
The youngest member of the Senate has become the Republican’s bulwark on Iran. Why him?
Is the US-China Climate Change Deal DOA?
By Shannon Tiezzi
Experts say the deal is not enough, and challenges from U.S. lawmakers mean even those modest goals may not be met.
What a Republican-Controlled Senate Means for India
By Alyssa Ayres
The Modi government is likely to see a U.S. Congress engaged in India relations, with caveats.
What the US Midterm Election Results Mean for US-India Ties
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
A Republican takeover of Congress will likely result in stronger U.S.-India ties.
How a Republican Midterm Win Could Help Obama's Pivot to Asia
By Ankit Panda
A Republican Senate might just be what the White House needs to build momentum on the TPP.
The Partisan Nature of American Foreign Policy
By Ankit Panda
Americans are split along partisan lines in terms of how they see the U.S. role in the world.
Congress’s Risky Chest-Thumping
A provision by House Republicans requiring the Obama administration to consider deploying tactical nuclear weapons to Asia was about sounding tough. It was also dangerous.
Why Lugar Defeat Matters
The defeat of Sen. Richard Lugar at the hands of a Tea Party-backed candidate says much about U.S. politics.
Republicans and the Smithsonian
The Republican primary race is over, says top analyst Charlie Cook. But Romney will represent a changed party.