Robert Work

New US Defense Budget: $18 Billion for Third Offset Strategy
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Pentagon wants to spend more money to offset Anti-Area/Access-Denial (A2/AD) technologies.

No More Easy Victories for the U.S. Military?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
America's enemies have gone to school and are developing counter-strategies to challenge its military supremacy.

The End of the American Way of War?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The U.S. military's technological superiority is slipping, says Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work.

A Tale of Two Offset Strategies
By Zachary Keck
The Pentagon's new Offset Strategy is modeled on two very different historical examples.

US Navy’s LCS Is Unfit for the Asia-Pacific
By Zachary Keck
A new Congressional report says the Littoral Combat Ship is not suited for operations in the 7th Fleet.

Quality, Quantity and Mr. Miyagi
Quality vs. quantity is a classic military debate. In an age of austerity, an unlikely source had some good advice.
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