
Rohingya crisis

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Rohingya Crisis Demands Australian Leadership on Human Rights

Rohingya Crisis Demands Australian Leadership on Human Rights

By Sean Bain
Canberra is duty-bound to speak up on human rights, and must review its defense assistance to states that flout international law.
Myanmar’s Buddhist Rakhine Rebels

Myanmar’s Buddhist Rakhine Rebels

By Neil Thompson
The army empowered the Rakhine to commit atrocities against the Rohingya. Now the Rakhine are turning against the state.

After Targeted Sanctions, It’s Time to Engage With Myanmar’s Moderates

After Targeted Sanctions, It’s Time to Engage With Myanmar’s Moderates

By Hunter Marston
The U.S. can encourage long-term, practical reform through the deft application of carrots and sticks.

The Rohingya in Bangladesh: Living in Limbo

The Rohingya in Bangladesh: Living in Limbo

By Tej Parikh
The conflict and humanitarian crisis is far from over; it has merely evolved.

Why Bangladesh Cannot Accept All the Rohingya

Why Bangladesh Cannot Accept All the Rohingya

By Sajeeb Wazed
A government adviser explains Dhaka's approach to the refugee crisis.
Rohingyas and the Unfinished Business of Partition

Rohingyas and the Unfinished Business of Partition

By Jayita Sarkar
Like so many of South Asia's flashpoints, the Rohingya crisis has roots in the bloody Partition of 1947.

Time for Pakistan to Apologize to Bangladesh

Time for Pakistan to Apologize to Bangladesh

By Uzair Younus
For moral and strategic reasons, Pakistan should offer a long-overdue apology for the atrocities of 1971.
Pope Francis Wades Into the Rohingya Crisis

Pope Francis Wades Into the Rohingya Crisis

By Luke Hunt
The Pope treads carefully to avoid a diplomatic incident, even while focusing world attention on the Rohingya crisis.

Nepal and the Rohingya Refugees

Nepal and the Rohingya Refugees

By Maximillian Morch
Some Rohingya are making their way to Nepal, but the government is unwilling to handle another influx of refugees.

Can China Solve the Rohingya Crisis?

Can China Solve the Rohingya Crisis?

By K. S. Venkatachalam
The three-phase Chinese proposal for ending the crisis merits serious consideration.

What Tillerson’s Myanmar Visit Means

What Tillerson’s Myanmar Visit Means

By Angshuman Choudhury
Geopolitics beats out values as Tillerson treads softly on the Rohingya issue.
From Myanmar to India, Persecution Haunts Rohingya

From Myanmar to India, Persecution Haunts Rohingya

By Ann Toews
Rohingya refugees in India meet religious nationalists who want them gone — again.

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