
A Digital Nation for the Stateless Rohingya?
By Preeti Jha
A team of Rohingya Muslims is using blockchain technology to forge digital identities for the persecuted minority’s diaspora.

What’s Behind Myanmar’s Big New Military Exercise?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The holding of the first tri-service exercise in over two decades needs to be viewed from a broader perspective.

How South Asia is Failing its Rohingya Challenge
By Angel Sharma
Regional states must provide more realistic and comprehensive solutions to avert instability in the subcontinent.

Myanmar's Rohingya Crisis Escalates
By Luke Hunt
Life for the group is looking grimmer by the day.

Why Thailand’s Big Trafficking Trial Is Just a Small Victory
By Luke Hunt
Though recent convictions indicate that progress can be made, the struggle for the Southeast Asian state is a long one.

Thai Negotiating Skills Found Wanting
Thailand continues to struggle with its neighbors. Attempts at negotiations are not helping matters.

Lee Kuan Yew Compares Xi Jinping to Nelson Mandela in New Book
Plus, Goldman Sachs foresees $300 billion in transportation infrastructure projects. Thursday ASEAN links.
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