
The Strategic Significance of Vietnam-US Oil and Gas Cooperation
By Le Hong Hiep
Partnering with American firms would shrink Vietnam's trade surplus with the US—and help Hanoi hold the line in the South China Sea.

Rosneft’s Vietnam Exit Hints at Russia Inc.’s Future in Asia
By Nick Trickett
Moscow is going to have to toe Beijing’s line as competition and pressure from Washington ramps up.

The India-Russia-US Energy Triangle
By Saurav Jha
The United States and Russia are competing for India’s favor – and its energy market.

Working with Vietnam, Russia's Rosneft Draws China’s Ire
By Nicholas Trickett
Rosneft is a crucial arm of Russian foreign policy, yet functions at times without direct Kremlin involvement.

Schrodinger’s Pivot: The Emptiness of the Eastern Economic Forum
By Nicholas Trickett
Russia’s incoherent strategy at home and abroad continues to undercut its Asian-facing initiatives such as the Eastern Economic Forum.

Gazprom and China’s ‘Breakthrough’ in the Russian Arctic
By Nadezhda Filimonova
The economic and political logic behind Gazprom's use of a Chinese drilling rig in the Arctic.

Rosneft and Russia's Evolving Oil Strategy Explained
By Nicholas Trickett
Russia's recent deals in the Middle East aren't just about expanding its influence, they’re part of a larger strategy.

China, Russia Try to Brave Economic Headwinds
By Shannon Tiezzi
Prime Minister Medvedev and Premier Li recommit to closer economic ties, despite lackluster trade numbers for 2015.

Russia-Vietnam: Cooperation in the Arctic?
By Nadezhda Filimonova
The two countries look likely to strengthen ties in the energy sector.

Squabbling Energy Oligarchs Threaten Moscow’s LNG Plans
By Quentin Buckholz
Russia is at risk of missing out on Asia’s giant gas market.

Russia’s Chokehold on Kyrgyzstan
By Casey Michel
Why all is not quite what it seems in Moscow-Bishkek relations.

Mongolia Courts Foreign Investors
By Ankit Panda
Mongolia is looking to draw foreign investment while simultaneously heading towards fossil fuel self-sufficiency.
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