
Russia Asia policy

Why Does Russia Care About AUKUS?

Why Does Russia Care About AUKUS?

By Oleg Yanovsky
For Moscow, AUKUS is a threat to the delicate balance in the Asia-Pacific – a region that is crucial to Russia’s economic plans and foreign policy strategy.

What Russia’s National Security Strategy Has to Say About Asia

What Russia’s National Security Strategy Has to Say About Asia

By Igor Denisov
The new NSS has some notable differences from the 2015 version on Russia’s approach to the Asia-Pacific - and China in particular.
COVID-19: A Reckoning for Russia’s Asian Energy Aims

COVID-19: A Reckoning for Russia’s Asian Energy Aims

By Nicholas Trickett
As COVID-19 fundamentally disrupts the energy market, Russia’s economic reliance on China deepens without much prospect for future growth.

What Does Trump’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Mean for Russia?

What Does Trump’s Indo-Pacific Strategy Mean for Russia?

By Anton Tsvetov
The new U.S. strategy poses threats to Russian interests in Asia.

Schrodinger’s Pivot: The Emptiness of the Eastern Economic Forum

Schrodinger’s Pivot: The Emptiness of the Eastern Economic Forum

By Nicholas Trickett
Russia’s incoherent strategy at home and abroad continues to undercut its Asian-facing initiatives such as the Eastern Economic Forum.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

What’s in the New Russia-Philippines Military Pact?

What’s in the New Russia-Philippines Military Pact?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the much-anticipated agreement that both sides finally inked last week.

The Reality of the Sino-Russian Oil Alliance

The Reality of the Sino-Russian Oil Alliance

By Nicholas Trickett
Russia’s oil ties with China are deepening but markets, not politics, drive the evolving relationship.
In Asia Moscow Trusts? Russia’s Pivot to the East

In Asia Moscow Trusts? Russia’s Pivot to the East

By Igor Denisov
The long history and mixed results of Russia’s eastward strategy.

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