
Russia-Central Asia relations

Will the CSTO, Russia’s Answer to NATO, Expand?

Will the CSTO, Russia’s Answer to NATO, Expand?

By Janko Šćepanović
Not so fast. Rather than grow, Moscow’s military bloc is poised to shrink. 

Kyrgyz President Raises Labor Mobility Issues in Moscow

Kyrgyz President Raises Labor Mobility Issues in Moscow

By Catherine Putz
At a Eurasian Economic Union meeting, sandwiched between Putin’s fifth inauguration and the nationalistic May 9 display, the Kyrgyz president raised concerns about labor mobility in the EAEU.
Central Asian Presidents to be ‘Guests of Honor’ for Russian Victory Day Parade

Central Asian Presidents to be ‘Guests of Honor’ for Russian Victory Day Parade

By Catherine Putz
For the second year in a row, Central Asia’s leaders are making the trek to Moscow to mark a holiday of fleeting relevance in the region.

Another Summit to Watch: Commonwealth of Independent States Heads to Gather in Kyrgyz Capital

Another Summit to Watch: Commonwealth of Independent States Heads to Gather in Kyrgyz Capital

By Catherine Putz
Russian President Vladimir Putin is scheduled to attend. It will be his first trip abroad since the ICC issue an arrest warrant in March 2023.

A Journey Through Central Asia’s Shifting Geopolitical Landscape

A Journey Through Central Asia’s Shifting Geopolitical Landscape

By Peter Krasnopolsky
As Russia’s position wanes in Central Asia, and China’s waxes, if American interests are to be maintained, Washington has to find ways to tap into the region’s potential.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

In Uzbekistan, Another Z-Artist’s Concert Canceled

In Uzbekistan, Another Z-Artist’s Concert Canceled

By Niginakhon Saida
Is it over for Russian Z-artists in Central Asia? 

Central Asian Presidents Join Putin for May 9 Victory Day Parade

Central Asian Presidents Join Putin for May 9 Victory Day Parade

By Catherine Putz
It is difficult to disentangle the political choices made by Central Asian leaders to attend Moscow’s parade this year from the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Does the Eurasian Economic Union Have a Place in Central Asia’s Future?

Does the Eurasian Economic Union Have a Place in Central Asia’s Future?

By Ali Koseoglu
While Russian political and military influence is dwindling, does a Russian-designed economic union have a chance to survive within the changing geopolitics of Central Asia?

Weeks After Russia-Central Asia Leaders’ Meeting, Europe Comes Calling Too

Weeks After Russia-Central Asia Leaders’ Meeting, Europe Comes Calling Too

By Catherine Putz
With Ukraine in mind, the European Union is courting Central Asia, even if it means overlooking the region’s autocratic “democracies.”

CIS Gathers for Informal Summit in Russia Amid Tension, War

CIS Gathers for Informal Summit in Russia Amid Tension, War

By Catherine Putz
The informal CIS meeting in St. Petersburg coincides with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s 70th birthday, but it won’t be much of a celebration.

‘Russia Is a Threat, Not a Friend’ Ukrainian Foreign Minister Warns Central Asia

‘Russia Is a Threat, Not a Friend’ Ukrainian Foreign Minister Warns Central Asia

By Catherine Putz
In a press conference with Central Asian media outlets, the Ukrainian foreign minister urged the region: “don’t let Russia use you.”
Uzbek Foreign Minister Calls for Halting of Hostilities in Ukraine

Uzbek Foreign Minister Calls for Halting of Hostilities in Ukraine

By Catherine Putz
Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov gave one of the most direct refutations from a Central Asian official of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

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