
Russian invasion of Ukraine

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US Ambassador Calls China’s Tech Support for Russia During Ukraine Invasion a ‘Major Mistake’

US Ambassador Calls China’s Tech Support for Russia During Ukraine Invasion a ‘Major Mistake’

By Associated Press
China "is not neutral, but has effectively sided with Russia in this war," U.S. Ambassador to Beijing Nicholas Burns said this week.
What South Korea Needs Post-Russia-North Korea Mutual Defense Treaty

What South Korea Needs Post-Russia-North Korea Mutual Defense Treaty

By Jong Min Lee
In forging deeper strategic ties with Pyongyang, Russia has inadvertently tarnished one of the key touchstones of Moscow’s relations with Seoul.

How Did China, India, and the BRICS Approach the Swiss Peace Summit on the Russia-Ukraine War?

How Did China, India, and the BRICS Approach the Swiss Peace Summit on the Russia-Ukraine War?

By Abhilash Kolekar
None of the BRICS countries endorsed the Joint Communiqué. Can they provide an alternative pathway to peace?

Does the Sanctioned Daughter of the Kremlin’s Press Chief Have a Kazakh Bank Account?

Does the Sanctioned Daughter of the Kremlin’s Press Chief Have a Kazakh Bank Account?

By Catherine Putz
A recent report suggests that Elizaveta Peskova may have registered for an individual identification number in Kazakhstan -- that in turn may have enabled her to access the Kazakh banking system.

For Russia, US Aid to Taiwan Is More Concerning Than $61 Billion to Ukraine

For Russia, US Aid to Taiwan Is More Concerning Than $61 Billion to Ukraine

By Oleg Yanovsky
Moscow sees the latest round of military aid to Ukraine as a tactical inconvenience but not a strategic danger. The $8 billion for the Indo-Pacific is the real gamechanger. 
What Chinese Navy Planners Are Learning from Ukraine’s Use of Unmanned Surface Vessels

What Chinese Navy Planners Are Learning from Ukraine’s Use of Unmanned Surface Vessels

By Lyle Goldstein and Nathan Waechter
Ukraine’s use of USVs has given the world’s navies a genuine view of what large scale future naval warfare might look like. 

China’s Shuttle Diplomacy With Ukraine and Russia: All Symbol, No Substance

China’s Shuttle Diplomacy With Ukraine and Russia: All Symbol, No Substance

By Rakshith Shetty
Despite its second round of shuttle diplomacy, China remains hesitant to engage fully in genuine negotiations at this stage.
US Puts Additional Central Asian Companies on Russia Sanctions List

US Puts Additional Central Asian Companies on Russia Sanctions List

By Catherine Putz
The latest round of sanctions designations included a Kyrgyzstan-based company and two firms based in Kazakhstan.

China Looks to Ukraine War for Guidance on Attack Helicopters

China Looks to Ukraine War for Guidance on Attack Helicopters

By Lyle Goldstein and Nathan Waechter
With respect to Russian airpower, Chinese strategists continue to be quite fixated on Russian attack helicopter operations in Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine War: China’s Vanishing Neutrality

Russia-Ukraine War: China’s Vanishing Neutrality

By Pierre-Marie Meunier
Full Chinese logistical support for Russia could be the real game changer of the war – and that support is growing more important and less discreet.

Where Others Dither, Japan Delivers on Aid to Ukraine

Where Others Dither, Japan Delivers on Aid to Ukraine

By James Kaizuka
Japan’s support for Ukraine demonstrates strong leadership and provides a glimmer of hope amid a divided and increasingly paralyzed Western alliance. 
Playing the Long Game: Ukraine’s Approach to China

Playing the Long Game: Ukraine’s Approach to China

By Rakshith Shetty
Zelenskyy has good reasons for not antagonizing Xi. But given Beijing’s “no-limits partnership” with Moscow, will Ukraine's efforts ever pay off?

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