S-400 Triumf

Russia Takes Delivery of New S-400 Air Defense System Regiment
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Almaz-Antey Group delivered the year’s first S-400 regimental set to the Russian armed forces earlier this month.

Mauro Gilli: Selling the F-35 to Countries Operating the S-400 Is a Bad Idea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
What are the risks of selling the F-35 to India and other countries operating high-tech Russian-made weapons systems?

Flashpoints and Arms Races to Watch in 2019
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Will 2019 see an increased chance for military confrontation in Asia?

New Long-Range Missile for Russia’s S-400 Air Defense System Accepted Into Service
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The 40N6 missile for the S-400 air defense system was accepted into Russian service earlier this month.

Russia’s Objections to Japan’s Aegis Ashore Decision
By Guy Plopsky
A dubious Russian assumption is behind Moscow's opposition to the missile defense system.

Russia Holds Military Parade Showcasing Weapons Used in Syria Conflict
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Today’s parade in Moscow featured military hardware currently in use by the Russian military in Syria.

India Tests Supersonic Advanced Air Defense Missile
By Ankit Panda
India tested its supersonic interceptor missile, known as the Advanced Air Defense (AAD) system.
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