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Modi: SAARC's Last Hope for Relevance?
By Ankit Panda
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi could render SAARC a more effective regional institution.

Narendra Modi to Visit Bhutan in First Foreign Visit as Prime Minister
By Ankit Panda
Narendra Modi will travel to Bhutan in June 2014 in his first trip abroad as India's prime minister.

Modi Reaches Out to SAARC Leaders Ahead of Swearing-In as Prime Minister
By Ankit Panda
Narendra Modi has chosen to invite regional leaders to his swearing-in as Prime Minister.

The Myth of a South Asia "Community"
Many South Asians speak of their thousands of years of shared ties. This however ignores present realities.
Can SAARC be South Asia's EU?
A meeting of SAARC nation delegates lays out a vision of cooperation in South Asia. Can they follow the EU?

Upbeat on SAARC
The latest SAARC summit underscored a growing maturity in the organization. And greater connectivity.
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