Salman Khurshid

Sri Lanka: Waffling India Faces Tough Decision
By Srini Sitaraman
Whichever way it votes on an upcoming UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka, India will offend key constituents.

India’s ASEAN Defense Sales Effort
By Saurav Jha
India is stepping up its defense sales presence in Southeast Asia, an outgrowth of its Look East policy.

Is India Playing a Double Game in the South China Sea?
With visits to the Philippines and China this week, Delhi’s delicate balancing act was on full display.

India-ASEAN Ties Get a (Limited) Boost
India and ASEAN have increased ties. The question is, by how much?

India and Turkey: Friends Again?
Ties between New Delhi and Ankara are strengthening. Upcoming diplomatic visits attest to the shift.

The David Headley Problem
The sentencing of David Headley to 35 years in prison has angered many in India. Will it damage growing U.S.- India cooperation in other areas?

Salman Khurshid's New Role
Salman Khurshid is embracing his respite away from India’s political soap opera. Still, old habits die hard.

Congress Defends Khurshid Against Corruption Allegation
Law Minister Salman Khurshid is accused of misappropriating funds that were designated for a charity.
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