
Islam, Muslims, and the Secular State in Singapore
By Mohamed Bin Ali
The city-state offers a good example of how Islam can flourish in the context of a secular state.

Banding for Blasphemy: Mumtaz Qadri and Pakistan's Barelvis
By Farhat Haq
The Barelvis are generally seen as moderate Muslims, but Mumtaz Qadri's execution might change that.

Should Nepal Be Secular?
By Vishal Arora
A push to change the draft constitution could place religious freedoms under threat.

Why Are Secular Bloggers Being Killed in Bangladesh?
By Vishal Manve
In Bangladesh, merely blogging about secular ideas if proving to be deadly.

Exile From Extremism in Bangladesh: A Conversation with Ananya Azad
By Sanjay Kumar
The Diplomat's Sanjay Kumar speaks with Ananya Azad about freedom of expression in Bangladesh.

A Clear and Present Danger to India’s Secularism
By Shamil Shams
Narendra Modi presents a multi-faceted challenge to India’s long-cherished secularism.
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