
Seiji Maehara

Kan Holding On, for Now

Kan Holding On, for Now

Naoto Kan survives a no-confidence motion following a deal with a former premier. But his days are now numbered.

Maehara Reportedly Quits

Maehara Reportedly Quits

Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara reportedly quits Sunday over a 200,000 yen donation.

Will Donations Derail Maehara?

Will Donations Derail Maehara?

Will accounting oversights mean Japan loses the very capable Seiji Maehara as foreign minister.

Japan to Slash China Aid?

Japan to Slash China Aid?

Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara has asked for a review of ODA to China. So what’s behind the rethink?

US-Japan Pow Wow on China

Japan’s Seiji Maehara gets a warm welcome in Washington. He’s always a popular man with defence hawks here.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Why Is China Isolating Itself?

With a wary eye on Beijing, Vietnam moves to improve ties with Japan and the United States.

China Calls off Talks With Kan

Beijing lays blame for last-minute torpedoing of meeting on Tokyo’s ‘groundless distortions’ of isle issue.

Japan’s Missed Opportunity?

Japan’s Missed Opportunity?

Tokyo reportedly turns down Beijing’s offer to jointly develop oil and gas deposits off disputed islets.

Japan: What Island Dispute?

Japan: What Island Dispute?

Japan’s foreign minister shrugs off talk of a territory dispute with China over the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.

China-Japan Waters Still Rough

China-Japan Waters Still Rough

A boat incident continues to inflame 2 nations that should be focusing on trade, not nationalism.

Kan Shuffles Cabinet Deck

Kan Shuffles Cabinet Deck

The Japanese PM has drawn his allies close and moved rival Ichiro Ozawa to the backbench.

Here We Go Again?

Here We Go Again?

Is the latest government apology over the Futenma Air Station just more of the same?

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