Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands

Rhyme and Reason: Why 2014 Doesn’t Have to be 1914
By Mira Rapp-Hooper
Margaret Macmillan recently warned there are dangerous parallels between the year WWI broke out and today.

Four Flashpoints to Watch in 2014
By Harry Kazianis
After a tense 2013, don’t expect the Asia-Pacific to be any less fraught next year.

China and the US-Japan alliance in the East China Sea Dispute
By Jin Kai
The U.S. faces important choices in the future as it navigates its alliance with Japan and its rivalry with China.

A Three-Pronged Approach to the ADIZ
By Amitai Etzioni
In responding to the ADIZ, the U.S. needs to consider carefully its position on China as a rising power.

The Senkaku Islands as Cold War Berlin
By Zachary Keck
Despite important differences, the East China Sea dispute in many ways mirrors the Berlin question.

China’s Contradictory Foreign Policy
By Yo-Jung Chen
Why does China undermine its patient diplomacy with sudden announcements like the ADIZ?

Japan to Approve New China-Centric Defense Posture
By Zachary Keck
Tokyo showed reporters drafts of the new National Defense Program Guidelines and National Security Strategy.

China and Japan: Uprating National Security
By Trefor Moss
Both countries are trying to centralize security decision-making. Could this help avoid a clash?

How China Justifies Its ADIZ - And How It Could Do Better
By Shannon Tiezzi
China's contradictory justifications for the ADIZ add to confusion over the zone.

Time for US and China to Establish Maritime Rules of the Road
By Margaret K. Lewis
So far, there’s been no repeat of the 2001 collision. But with tensions rising, some understanding is needed.

With Air Defense Zone, China is Waging Lawfare
By Zachary Keck
The East China Sea ADIZ is consistent with China’s larger, sophisticated strategy toward maritime disputes.

5 Questions on China’s Air Defense Identification Zone
By Justin McDonnell
“What makes this situation so fraught with peril is the possibility of miscalculation.”