
Is This Tajikistan’s #MeToo Moment?
By Sher Khashimov, Steve Swerdlow, and Sher Khashimov and Steve Swerdlow
Could a court decision punishing a victim of sexual harassment and the newspaper that helped her be Tajikistan’s #MeToo moment?

What Yingluck’s Fate Says About Sexism in Thailand
By Matthew Phillips
Recent commentary about the former premier misses an important element of her story and what it says about Thai society.

Audi Apologizes for Ad in China Comparing Women to Used Cars
By Charlotte Gao
Audi said the ad was produced exclusively for the Chinese market and has been completely withdrawn

Assemblywoman Heckling an LDP Concern
By Clint Richards
Last Thursday’s incidents raises serious questions about the government’s commitment to workplace equality.

North Korea Calls S. Korean Leader a ‘Dirty Comfort Woman’
By Zachary Keck
North Korea has stooped to a new low in its ongoing sexist tirades against South Korean President Park Geun-hye.

Sex and Politics
A casual remark by a government minister ignites a row over sexism.
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