Shinzo Abe U.S. Visit 2015

Shinzo Abe's Historic US Visit
By Shannon Tiezzi
Jim Schoff speaks with The Diplomat about Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's state visit to the United States.

Stop Obsessing Over Abe's Congressional Speech
By Yuki Tatsumi
Criticisms of Abe's congressional speech overlook the progress made during the rest of his lengthy U.S. visit.

Abe's Apology: For Americans, Not for Asians
By David Eunpyoung Jee
Why did Abe offer apologies specifically to Americans, but not to Japan's Asian neighbors? In a word: national interest.

Abe's US Visit Puts Pressure on South Korea
By John Lee
Shinzo Abe’s successful U.S. visit means increased pressure on Park Geun-hye to repair relations with Japan.

A Closer Look at the New US-Japan Defense Guidelines
By Shannon Tiezzi
The Diplomat speaks with Japanese MOFA press secretary Yasuhisa Kawamura about what the guidelines really mean.

China Decries New US-Japan Defense Guidelines
By Shannon Tiezzi
China lambasts the new guidelines, and the entire U.S.-Japan alliance, as a relic from the Cold War.

What Japan's Abe Should Say About World War II
By Zheng Wang
To apologize or not -- that is the question facing Abe as he prepares for his August 15 address.

Hope and History: Shinzo Abe's Speech to Congress
By Shannon Tiezzi
The Japanese prime minster's anticipated speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress.

Abe's Visit Marks 'New Era' for US-Japan Alliance
By Mina Pollmann
A joint statement released with Obama and Abe's meeting reveals the focus of the alliance moving forward.

4 Takeaways From the New US-Japan Defense Guidelines
By Yuki Tatsumi
What's new about the Guidelines, and what that actually means for U.S.-Japan cooperation moving forward.

With Abe in US, Chinese Media Warns Obama to Be Wary
By Shannon Tiezzi
Xinhua uses historical issues to question the wisdom of a close US-Japan alliance.

Will Congress Kill the 'Rebalance to Asia'?
By Mina Pollmann
As Abe heads to the US, Congress remains a potential stumbling block for TPP negotiations.
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