Shinzo Abe

America’s “Hidden Hand” in the Proposed Abe-Xi Summit
Japan PM Shinzo Abe is calling for a summit with Xi Jinping. Did the US play a role in this?

Is Iran’s Military Visiting Pyongyang Right Now?
Plus, Shinzo Abe and Joe Biden’s paths cross in Singapore. Friday diplomacy links.

Abe Reassures After Election Victory
Shinzo Abe gets the Upper House victory he wanted, and then moves to reassure voters as to his intentions.

Abe the “Internationalist”?
Abe’s diplomacy has been remarkably active in his second term. That will need to continue.

Abe’s Toughest Challenge Yet: Reselling Japan Nuclear Energy
With energy imports a drag on the economy, Abe must convince Japan to embrace nuclear power again.

How Japan’s Military Should Change
“Providing the best defense possible while affronting the fewest audiences possible should be Tokyo’s goal.”

Japan-India Security Cooperation
Singh’s recent trip to Japan markedly expanded ties, with the potential to contribute to regional stability.

What Japan and South Korea Could Learn from Europe
Important symbolic gestures by Germany (and its neighbors) helped repair relations, and are an example for East Asia.

Japan’s Upper House Election
As campaigning gets underway for this month’s Upper House election in Japan, Shinzo Abe’s ruling LDP appears well placed.

Shinzo Abe: Japan’s Nuclear Salesman-In-Chief
To revive confidence and reduce the trade deficit, Abe has aggressively promoted Japan’s nuclear exports.

Japan’s European Charm Offensive
Shinzo Abe is using the occasion of the G-8 summit to court leaders across the European continent.

NSC in Japan: Needed, But Still Hurdles
Although its focus remains the economy, Japan’s government has taken the first steps in reforming its security infrastructure.