Singapore elections
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The Year in Democracy in Southeast Asia
By Joshua Kurlantzick
Except for Myanmar, the report card is decidedly mixed.

The Chinese Communist Party and Legitimacy
By Lotus Yang Ruan
What is the Chinese Communist Party’s official discourse on legitimacy?

Singapore’s Surprisingly Predictable Election Result
By Asit K. Biswas and Cecilia Tortajada
Most analysts were surprised that the ruling PAP did so well. They shouldn’t have been.

No Easy Win for Singapore’s PAP
By James Chin
All signs are pointing to a tough election for Singapore’s ruling People’s Action Party.

10 Lessons From Lee Kuan Yew's Singapore
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Are there lessons other countries might draw from the city-state’s experiences?

‘Soft’ Repression: The Struggle for Democracy in Singapore
By Sally Andrews
Opposition politicians face some daunting obstacles in Singaporean politics.
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