single-use plastics
Busan Was a Major Political Win on Plastic Pollution, Even If Not a Procedural One
By Arpita Bhagat
The political dynamics, narratives, and numbers are conditioned in favor of a strong agreement now.
To Solve the Plastic Crisis, We Must Phase out Production
By Xuan Quach
Promoting recycling without a systems change that unlocks drastic reduction of plastics is merely greenwashing.
The Double-Edged Sword of Plastics in Asia’s Healthcare
By Michelle Reyes and Donna Mae Ocmeja
PPE, syringes, and other single-use plastics in the medical sector are a major contributor to the plastic problem. But the industry can be part of the solution, too.
Embracing Reuse Solutions: A Path Forward for Asia in the Global Plastic Treaty
By Rahyang Nusantara
Pioneering efforts in Asian countries seek to phase out single-use plastics for reusable alternatives.
Time to End ‘Waste Colonialism’ Through a Global Plastics Treaty
By Mageswari Sangaralingam
Developed countries need to stop exporting their plastic trash to Asian countries under the guise of “recycling.”
China Tackles Its Plastic Problem
By Eleanor Albert
Ambitious new reforms seek to cut down on China’s plastic addiction.
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