
What a Tamil Language School in Sri Lanka Tells Us About the Reconciliation Process
By Niru Perera
Language is a critical part of the country's moves toward post-war reconciliation, especially when it comes to grassroots efforts.

Sri Lanka President Urges Limit on Minority Political Power
By Associated Press
Sinhala nationalists say minority politicians hold the governments ransom to promote their racial agendas, undermining the status of the Sinhalese.

The Failed Promise of Reconciliation in Sri Lanka
By Mario Arulthas
Sri Lankan governments have proven unwilling to acknowledge, let alone address, the root cause of conflict on the island.

Sri Lanka’s Anti-Muslim Violence
By Sudha Ramachandran
Anti-Muslim violence on the island has a long history tied to conceptions of Sinhalese-Buddhist identity.

Sri Lanka's Proposed Constitution Comes Under Attack
By Ana Pararajasingham
International interest, not international laws, will deliver autonomy to Sri Lanka’s Tamils.

Sri Lanka: The Rajapaksas Rise Again
By SinhaRaja Tammita-Delgoda
Disillusionment with the Sirisena regime is running high, giving the Rajapaksa clan a chance to reclaim lost glory.
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