Sino-Soviet Split

The ‘Reverse Kissinger’ Strategy Is Based on Bad History
By David Brostoff
The idea relies on a historical fallacy: Kissinger didn’t create the Sino-Soviet split. He merely took advantage of it.

Why the Soviet Union’s 20th Party Congress Continues to Haunt China
By Zhenze Huang
A lesson from 1956 continues to affect China’s understanding of political security -- especially as the CCP's own 20th Congress draws near.

Forget About a ‘New’ Cold War. The Old One Never Ended.
By Francis P. Sempa
James Burnham and ‘The War We Are In’ with China.

How 1980 Laid the Groundwork for China’s Major Foreign Policy Challenges
By Bonnie Girard
China’s policies on Afghanistan, Xinjiang, Russia, terrorism, and the trade war – all have their roots in the late Cold War era.

Can Trumpian Triangular Diplomacy Work?
By Raymond Kuo
The circumstances that let the U.S. play China against the Soviet Union in the Cold War no longer exist.

Is Kissinger’s Triangular Diplomacy the Answer to Sino-Russian Rapprochement?
By Francis P. Sempa
To prevent a Sino-Russia security alliance, the U.S. should remember the advice of Henry Kissinger.

How Mao Zedong Benefited From the Cuban Missile Crisis
By Robert Farley
The Chinese role in Cuba during the Cold War paid dividends domestically for Mao Zedong.

Beijing 'Lost' the Sino-Soviet Split, But That Didn't Matter in the End
By Robert Farley
The ideological struggle driving the Sino-Soviet split stopped mattering in the end.
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