small island developing states

Extreme Weather Has Already Cost Vulnerable Island Nations $141 Billion
By Emily Wilkinson, Ilan Noy, Matthew Bishop, and Vikrant Panwar
Small island developing states like Fiji and Vanuatu are uniquely vulnerable to climate change and are already paying the price. Developed countries need to pay up.

A Disappointed Pacific Watches COP28 Unfold
By Dechlan Brennan
For the island nations of the Pacific, the threat of rising sea levels due to climate change is already a reality.

UN Secretary-General Pays a Visit to the Blue Pacific
By Grant Wyeth
The Pacific’s “large ocean states” are on the frontlines of climate change, and urging the world to act.

Climate Change and the Pacific
By Elizabeth Ferris
It is likely that countries in the region will become uninhabitable long before they are submerged.

What Can We Do to Tackle Disaster Risks in Small Island Developing States?
By Tadateru Konoe
Vulnerable to natural disasters, small islands developing states need both local and global expertise.
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