
Hey Policy Wonks, This Is How You Should Read Thucydides
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Authors like Thucydides require careful reading and musing to get to the core of their arguments.

North Korea’s Nukes: Time for The Pentagon’s Philosopher-in-Chief to Step In?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The North Korean crisis prompts the need for a philosopher in chief at the Pentagon.

Why We Need Philosophers in the Pentagon
By Franz-Stefan Gady
In our ‘post-truth’ world we need to rediscover the urgency of philosophical inquiry.

If You Want to Understand Machiavelli, Read This Author
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Revisiting the usefulness of the "hedgehog and fox" analogy for defense analysis.

George Orwell: Strategic Genius?
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu and…George Orwell? The Naval Diplomat explains.
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