
Aiding Africa: If Not China, Then Who?
By Grace Guo

China's SOE Reform Challenge
By Xinling Wang

China’s Cooling Economy is a Warning for ASEAN
By Luke Hunt

China Tackles One-Child Policy, Death Penalty, & Labor Camps
Early media reports on the Third Plenum report suggest the leadership grabbed the low-hanging fruit.

SOEs Declining Role in China’s Foreign Investment
State-Owned Enterprises have traditionally dominated Chinese ODI. This is starting to change.

Must Separate the Party and Economy in China?
The new administration has signaled that it wants to decentralize the economy. Can it overcome resistance?

Understanding China's Efforts to Invest Overseas
China’s efforts at foreign direct investment (OFDI) have had mixed results. Eve Cary gives us her take.

China's Hollow Reform Wish List
A recent proposal calls for some impressive reforms. Past experience points to a disappointing result.

China, America and the WTO
In recent years the World Trade Organization has been the main venue for airing trade differences between the U.S. and China.

Xi Jinping's Economic Challenge
Xi faces an uphill battle in trying to reform the economy. State-owned enterprises would be a good place to start.

China, Canada and Oil: A Complicated Calculus
Despite efforts by Beijing to invest in Canada’s vast natural resources, challenges remain.