
Soft Power

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The Neverending Story: Drama in the South China Sea

The Neverending Story: Drama in the South China Sea

While many have put their faith in a Code of Conduct some wonder if China is stalling for time. A real solution may take years, if ever.

Taiwan Does Smart Power Right

Taiwan Does Smart Power Right

While Taiwan simply can’t match its larger neighbors with ‘hard power’, it has other options to enhance its international standing.

Japan's Shrinking ASEAN 'Soft Power'

Japan's Shrinking ASEAN 'Soft Power'

ASEAN members remain ambivalent about Tokyo’s political influence. With a stagnant economy and China’s shadow looming large, what can Japan do to regain the initiative?

Reexamining the Confucian Institutes

Reexamining the Confucian Institutes

While not covers for espionage, Beijing’s cultural centers should be scrutinized.

The Interview: Joseph S. Nye

The Interview: Joseph S. Nye

Will China change its stance on Syria or in the South China Sea? What is the future of cyberwarfare? Can America’s shift to the Pacific find success?

Japan's Cultural Diplomacy Future

Japan's Cultural Diplomacy Future

If Japan wants to ensure it stays relevant on the international stage then it needs to better utilize its culture.

Have Chinese Had Enough?

Have Chinese Had Enough?

China’s size may mean it can’t but be seen as a threat. Will China’s next leaders be expected to play hardball?

Tweaking China's Soft Power

Tweaking China's Soft Power

China’s soft power is widely talked about. But the country’s leaders will need to show flexibility to make it work.

Leveraging Contemporary Art

Leveraging Contemporary Art

The work of artists like Nyoman Masriadi have huge potential for diplomacy. Does everyone recognise this?

Singapore's Art Soft Power

Singapore's Art Soft Power

For years, Southeast Asian art was little noticed outside the region. Singapore, for one, is now seeing its potential.

Japan's Soft Power Chance

Japan's Soft Power Chance

By investing in hospital ships, Japan’s military could dramatically bolster the country’s soft power in Asia.

The China Factor

The China Factor

China’s military is learning the benefits of soft power. The so-called Peace Ark could be just the start.

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