
South China Sea arbitration

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Taiwan Argues Its South China Sea Case in the Court of Public Opinion

Taiwan Argues Its South China Sea Case in the Court of Public Opinion

By Shannon Tiezzi
Taiwan's arguments that Itu Aba is, in fact, an island could benefit China in the upcoming arbitration ruling.
Philippines v. China Won't End South China Sea Disputes

Philippines v. China Won't End South China Sea Disputes

By John Ford
Despite high hopes for the ruling, Manila's arbitration case against China won't solve the South China Sea issue.

A Preview of China-Southeast Asia Relations in 2016

A Preview of China-Southeast Asia Relations in 2016

By Xue Li and Xu Yanzhuo
China will look to keep tensions in the South China Sea from impacting its ties with ASEAN.

China Brings Push for Cyber Sovereignty to the UN

China Brings Push for Cyber Sovereignty to the UN

By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, links on the Moranbong Band, the Taiwan arms sale, and the South China Sea. Your weekly China news roundup.

Philippine FM: China’s 9-Dash Line a ‘Berlin Wall of the Sea’

Philippine FM: China’s 9-Dash Line a ‘Berlin Wall of the Sea’

By Shannon Tiezzi
Before an arbitral tribunal, the Philippines' foreign secretary slams China's actions in the South China Sea.
Arguments Open in Philippine Case Against China's South China Sea Claims

Arguments Open in Philippine Case Against China's South China Sea Claims

By Shannon Tiezzi
After winning a victory on the issue of jurisdiction, Manila moves to arguments about the merits of its case.

Taiwan's South China Sea Headache

Taiwan's South China Sea Headache

By Shannon Tiezzi
Caught between its own territorial claims and international criticism of the "nine-dashed line", what is Taiwan to do?
China: Court Ruling on South China Sea Case 'Null and Void'

China: Court Ruling on South China Sea Case 'Null and Void'

By Shannon Tiezzi
More on the South China Sea and China's fifth plenum, plus updates on Nepal and China's EU diplomacy. Friday links.

Interview: A Philippine Perspective from the Middle of the South China Sea

Interview: A Philippine Perspective from the Middle of the South China Sea

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The Diplomat talks with Mayor Eugenio Bito-onon about governing an area in the middle of the South China Sea disputes.

Philippine Nationalism and the South China Sea

Philippine Nationalism and the South China Sea

By Alexandre Dor
Manila's South China Sea strategy is more about strengthening national unity than changing China’s behavior.

China Slams Philippines For South China Sea ‘Hypocrisy’

China Slams Philippines For South China Sea ‘Hypocrisy’

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Beijing turns the tables on Manila for resuming works in the South China Sea.
Philippines Counters China in New South China Sea Case Submission

Philippines Counters China in New South China Sea Case Submission

By Shannon Tiezzi
Manila sends an additional 3,000 page responding to questions from an arbitral tribunal.

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