South Korea by-elections

South Korea’s Political Pendulum Swings Again
By Youngmi Kim
The “old boys” are back after April 7 by-elections in Seoul and Busan.

Why Did Young South Koreans Ditch the Democratic Party and President Moon?
By Seoho Lee
In the crucial by-elections, young voters turned away from the ruling party they once supported. What happened?

Seoul and Busan Mayor By-Elections Spell Trouble for President Moon
By Mitch Shin
The ruling Democratic Party failed to keep the mayor positions in the country’s two biggest cities in by-elections on Wednesday.

Seoul Mayor’s Death Sets Critical Test for South Korea’s Ruling Party in 2021
By Cory Bisbee
Next year’s by-elections will be unusually important – for the Democratic Party and for the current frontrunner to succeed President Moon Jae-in.

With Sudden Death of Seoul Mayor, South Korea’s 2021 By-Elections Gain New Importance
By Tae-jun Kang
Next April, voters will choose new mayors for Seoul and Busan. Can the Democratic Party keep those seats?

South Korea's Liberal Party Woes Continue
By Steven Denney
Despite low approval ratings for the ruling party, South Korea's opposition didn't fare well in by-elections.

South Korea's Liberal Opposition Implodes
By Steven Denney
Defections in the NPAD have the party facing serious challenges from its own former members.
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