South Korea COVID-19 vaccines

South Korea Can Do More in the Battle Against COVID-19
By Troy Stangarone
For all its success at home, South Korea has been less forthcoming with donations during the pandemic.

South Korea Expands Rapid Testing Amid Record COVID Infections
By Kim Tong-Hyung
Since January, South Korea’s daily cases have grown five-fold.

South Korea’s Ambition to Become a Global Vaccine Hub
By Troy Stangarone
The country is looking to ramp up vaccine production – for COVID-19 and beyond.

Why Isn’t South Korea Buying Chinese Vaccines?
By Jin Kai
Like many Asian countries, Seoul is having troubling sourcing vaccines. But unlike its neighbors, South Korea has so far refused to turn to a ready supplier: China.

As Vaccine Rollout Lags, South Koreans Sour on Government’s COVID-19 Response
By Mitch Shin
The slow rate of vaccinations amid the looming threat of a new wave has many Koreans on edge.

Why South Korea Still Hasn’t Vaccinated Anyone
By Justin Fendos
South Korea's delayed start to vaccinations is likely due to the government's initial preference for domestic production.
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