South Korea economic security

Toward Germany-South Korea Cooperation in Economic Security
By Seungjoo Lee and Max J. Zenglein
The two manufacturing powerhouses face similar challenges, including coercion and competition from China. Can they weather the tide together?

What Do China’s Neighbors Think of De-risking?
Christina Lai, Kazuto Suzuki, and Wonho Yeon discuss the de-risking calculus for Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Strengthening the Economic Pillar of the South Korea-US Alliance
By Wendy Cutler
For decades, the alliance primarily centered on security, political, and people-to-people ties. Then KORUS changed the game.

After the Japan-South Korea Summit, the Ball Is in Washington’s Court
By Jaemin Lee
The U.S. can incentivize the thaw through enhanced trilateral cooperation in economic security.

South Korea’s Economic Security Dilemma
By Moksh Suri and Abhishek Sharma
As China-U.S. competition securitizes more and more economic transactions, Seoul’s old balancing act between the rivals is becoming trickier to sustain.
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