South Korea migrant labor

Seoul Is Importing Domestic Workers From the Philippines
By Haeyoon Kim
Will the new policy help mitigate South Korea’s dismal birthrate?

Tragic Factory Fire Spotlights South Korea’s Unsustainable Immigration Policy
By James Constant
South Korea's immigration policies push migrant workers into undocumented labor in the most inhospitable areas of a dangerous economy.

Opportunities Grow in South Korea for Uzbek Workers
By Catherine Putz
As South Korea increasingly looks to migrant labor to address shortages in major industries, Uzbekistan is keen on providing workers.

The Demographic Promises and Perils of Seoul’s Filipino Domestic Helper Initiative
By Eom Tae Yeon
Can South Korea entice women into the workforce by outsourcing domestic labor to foreigners? More importantly, should it?

The Hidden History of Korean Labor Migrants in Germany
By Tim Hildebrandt
The past struggles of Korean migrant workers in Germany offer lessons for South Korea today as it grapples with labor migration and the need to treat foreign workers fairly.

South Korea’s Foreigner-Targeted COVID Testing Will Hurt Its New Southern Policy
By Anthony V. Rinna
Mandatory testing policies will make life harder for migrants from South and Southeast Asia, even as Seoul steps up its outreach to their home countries.

Migrant Workers Face Dire Conditions at South Korean Farms
By Associated Press
The death of a Cambodian worker last year attracted new attention to long-standing problems of overwork, lack of medical access, and mistreatment.

How South Korea's Growing Multiculturalism Could Complicate Unification
By Steven Denney
A new report underscores the challenges of integrating "new Koreans" in the event of national unification.

South Korea's Migrant Workers in the Public Eye
By Steven Denney
The hardships faced by foreign workers in South Korea are slowing gaining more public attention.

South Korea: Migrants and Nationalism
By Steven Denney
South Korea’s growing migrant population may be contributing to the decline of ethnic nationalism.
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