
South Korean National Assembly

South Korea’s Quest for Viable Third Parties

South Korea’s Quest for Viable Third Parties

By Jinwan Park and SeungHwan Kim
Does the country’s new crop of minor parties represent a lasting realignment, or a temporary blip?

Exit Polls Suggest a Big Win for South Korea’s Liberal Opposition Parties in Parliamentary Election

Exit Polls Suggest a Big Win for South Korea’s Liberal Opposition Parties in Parliamentary Election

By Hyung-jin Kim
Unofficial exit polls suggest the Democratic Party could expand its majority, which would leave conservative President Yoon Suk-yeol a lame duck for his remaining three years in office.
A Balancing Crisis: Managing Foreign and Domestic Policy Ahead of the South Korean Election

A Balancing Crisis: Managing Foreign and Domestic Policy Ahead of the South Korean Election

By Kayla Orta
The April 10 election will have far-reaching implications for the nation's domestic and foreign policy moving forward.

Understanding Satellite Parties in South Korea and Their Dangers to Democracy

Understanding Satellite Parties in South Korea and Their Dangers to Democracy

By Jinwan Park
In South Korea, major political forces make strategic use of satellite parties to exploit the semi-mixed-member proportional representation system.

Ahn Cheol-soo on the State of South Korean Politics

Ahn Cheol-soo on the State of South Korean Politics

By Kenji Yoshida
An interview with the former third-party presidential candidate turned PPP lawmaker.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

South Korean Lawmakers Vote to Lift Opposition Leader’s Immunity to Arrest

South Korean Lawmakers Vote to Lift Opposition Leader’s Immunity to Arrest

By Kim Tong-hyung
Despite the Democratic Party's majority, lawmakers voted to allow the party’s chair, Lee Jae-myung, to be arrested amid several corruption investigations.

South Korea’s Interior Minister Impeached for Role in Itaewon Tragedy

South Korea’s Interior Minister Impeached for Role in Itaewon Tragedy

By Chelsie Alexandre
For the first time in South Korea’s modern history, a sitting cabinet member has been impeached by the country’s parliament. 
COVID-19 Factor Powers South Korea’s Ruling Party to Historic Victory

COVID-19 Factor Powers South Korea’s Ruling Party to Historic Victory

By Cory Bisbee
The Democratic Party wins unilateral control of the National Assembly, while conservatives and minor parties recede.

South Korea’s Election: Beyond Coronavirus

South Korea’s Election: Beyond Coronavirus

By Thomas Kalinowski
Beyond COVID-19, can the upcoming parliamentary election help heal serious weaknesses in South Korea’s political system?

Elections in the Time of COVID-19

Elections in the Time of COVID-19

By Jenna Gibson
South Korea’s ruling party hopes to maintain its control of the legislature in upcoming election.

Protesters Storm National Assembly, Capping off a Divisive Year for Korean Politics

Protesters Storm National Assembly, Capping off a Divisive Year for Korean Politics

By Jenna Gibson
Korea's conservative parties continue to up the ante in their opposition to Moon administration policies.
South Korean Political Parties' Newest Weapon: Music Videos

South Korean Political Parties' Newest Weapon: Music Videos

By Elaine Ramirez
The catchy tunes belie intense in-fighting and defections on both sides.

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