Space warfare

Why Russia’s Latest Space Weapon Is So Dangerous
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
Bringing the nuclear element into space, be it a nuclear weapon or a nuclear-powered counterspace weapon, will have serious repercussions.

Expect North Korean Provocations in Low Earth Orbit
By John Hickman
Space is a new realm for Pyongyang to engage in its strategy of extracting diplomatic or economic concessions from the United States and South Korea.

Will a ‘Digital Military’ Change War?
By Jacob Parakilas
The U.S. Space Force claims that it is in the process of delivering a “digital military branch.” Is it a contradiction in terms?

The US Congress Needs Facts, Not Hyperbole, on China’s Space Program
By Gregory Kulacki
Alarming and factually challenged assessments of China’s space program should not guide U.S. policy.

The International Consequences of India’s Anti-Satellite Test
By Ankit Panda
India’s anti-satellite test underscores the proliferation of dangerous counterspace capabilities.
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