
Sri Lanka civil war

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Sri Lanka Elections: Tamils Have Not Abandoned Human Rights for Economic Development

Sri Lanka Elections: Tamils Have Not Abandoned Human Rights for Economic Development

By J. S. Tissainayagam
Sri Lanka’s ethnic minority remains committed to both, but not one at the expense of the other.
The Burning of Jaffna Public Library: Sri Lanka’s First Step Toward Civil War

The Burning of Jaffna Public Library: Sri Lanka’s First Step Toward Civil War

By Thamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan
The events of 39 years ago set the stage for Sri Lanka’s civil war – and still echo today.

Post-War Sri Lanka: Fractured and Unjust for Tamils

Post-War Sri Lanka: Fractured and Unjust for Tamils

By Visvajit Sriramrajan
More than a decade after the Mullivaikkal massacre, Tamils remain heavily discriminated against by a state that has yet to reckon with its violent past.

Sri Lanka’s Uneven Reconstruction

Sri Lanka’s Uneven Reconstruction

By Umesh Moramudali
Nearly a decade after the civil war ended, war-affected provinces still lag behind the rest of the country economically.

Sri Lanka Presidential Hopeful Says Won’t Honor Deal with UN

Sri Lanka Presidential Hopeful Says Won’t Honor Deal with UN

By Associated Press
Gotabaya Rajapaksa says he won’t recognized an agreement to investigate alleged war crimes
A Decade Without Justice for Sri Lanka’s Tamils

A Decade Without Justice for Sri Lanka’s Tamils

By Anjali Manivannan
May 18 is an important reminder that while the country’s armed conflict may have ended, the search for elusive justice continues.

The Geopolitics of Sri Lanka’s Transitional Justice

The Geopolitics of Sri Lanka’s Transitional Justice

By Ana Pararajasingham
Western countries are less interested in pressuring Sri Lanka now that Rajapaksa is no longer in charge.
Sri Lanka Keeps Its Domestic Political Rift From Spilling Into UN Rights Meeting

Sri Lanka Keeps Its Domestic Political Rift From Spilling Into UN Rights Meeting

By Krishan Francis
The Sirisena-Wickremesinghe rivalry extends to different approaches to UN pressure on transitional justice issues.

Why Is Sri Lanka Defying the United Nations?

Why Is Sri Lanka Defying the United Nations?

By Ana Pararajasingham
Sri Lanka’s strategy of defiance, denial, and delay might be designed to evade the charge of genocide.

Interview: Rajiva Wijesinha

Interview: Rajiva Wijesinha

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
A leading author on Sri Lanka’s efforts to repair relations with the Tamils.

Time for Action on Sri Lanka War Crimes

Time for Action on Sri Lanka War Crimes

By Sarava Kanesa Thasan
Just how committed is the Sri Lankan government to implementing the UNHRC resolution?

Colombo’s Military Build-Up: A Strategy of Deterrence

By Ana Pararajasingham
What might explain the recent increase in defense spending?

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