Sri Lanka fuel shortage

US Company Signs Agreement to Enter Sri Lanka’s Retail Fuel Market
By Bharatha Mallawarachi
In addition to long-time player India, China’s Sinopec has also acquired rights to operate in the island’s retail market.

China’s Sinopec to Enter Retail Fuel Market in Crisis-hit Sri Lanka
By Bharatha Mallawarachi
The 25-year contract with the petroleum giant is expected to ease the fuel shortage in the country.

Economic Crisis Forces Sri Lanka to Shed Fears and Move Closer to US, Middle East
By P.K. Balachandran
Sri Lanka has accepted a USAID project to promote “productive democratic governance” and is seeking fuel on credit from Middle East.

Amid Shortages and Turmoil, Sri Lanka Grinds to a Halt
By M.R. Narayan Swamy
Sri Lankan economists warn that the country could face a famine-like situation in a few months.

Sri Lanka Sends 2 Ministers to Russia to Negotiate for Oil
By Bharatha Mallawarachi
It comes amid a high-level U.S. delegation’s visit to Sri Lanka to help it cope with the unprecedented economic crisis.

Sri Lanka’s Crisis Cripples Once Burgeoning Middle Class
By Krutika Pathi and Bharatha Mallawarachi
Families that never had to worry about food or fuel are now cutting back on meals and eating less.
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