Sri Lanka religious tensions

Rohan Gunaratna on the Roots of Sri Lanka’s Deadly Easter Sunday Attacks
By Shannon Tiezzi
The counterterrorism expert and author of “Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community” explains how religious extremism manifested in Sri Lanka's deadliest terror attack.

Shrinking Space for Religious Minorities in Sri Lanka
By Knox Thames
Recent reports from CSW and USCIRF highlight the pressures put on Sri Lanka’s religious minorities.

Sri Lanka’s Burqa Ban Is More About Islamophobia Than National Security
By Tasnim Nazeer
In truth, the move is consistent with attempts to stigmatize the country's small Muslim minority.

Islamophobia on the Rise in Sri Lanka as Deceased Muslims Forced Into Cremation
By Tasnim Nazeer
Authorities are using COVID-19 to justify forced cremations for Muslims, devastating family members.

Why Sri Lanka? Why Now?
By Charudaththa Ekanayake
Possible motivations behind the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka.
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