
state-owned enterprises

Aiding Africa: If Not China, Then Who?

Aiding Africa: If Not China, Then Who?

By Grace Guo
An overemphasis on the challenges posed by Chinese aid to Africa can conceal the difficulty of providing credible alternatives.

Can China Keep Controlling Its SOEs?

Can China Keep Controlling Its SOEs?

By Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard
The Chinese Communist Party shows few signs of easing its control of state-owned enterprises in the country.
Vietnam Gears up to Divest State-Owned Enterprises in 2018

Vietnam Gears up to Divest State-Owned Enterprises in 2018

By Erin Cook
Vietnam's state-owned enterprises are set for widespread divestment.

China’s Cooling Economy is a Warning for ASEAN

China’s Cooling Economy is a Warning for ASEAN

By Luke Hunt
The S&P downgrade last month was just the latest sign of lingering concerns about Beijing’s economy.

Privatizing State-Owned Enterprises in Vietnam: Government Dilemmas

Privatizing State-Owned Enterprises in Vietnam: Government Dilemmas

By Le Vinh Trien and Kris Hartley
“Stalled growth through the failure of SOEs is a threat to political stability.”

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Problem with the Buy High, Sell Low Scheme in China

The Problem with the Buy High, Sell Low Scheme in China

By Shi Han
An inconspicuous yet widespread practice has some troubling implications.

Why China Decided to Abolish Its State Salt Monopoly

Why China Decided to Abolish Its State Salt Monopoly

By Zi Yang
Given its record, it is no surprise that China Salt has been targeted for reform.
Is China’s Market-State Juggernaut Grinding to a Halt?

Is China’s Market-State Juggernaut Grinding to a Halt?

By Sara Hsu
If the Chinese economy is to grow, the presence of the state will have to be reduced.

China’s Economy: Stimulated But Not Aroused

China’s Economy: Stimulated But Not Aroused

By Sara Hsu
Stimulus alone won’t be enough to revive the Chinese economy.

Xi Jinping's One Year Performance Review

Xi Jinping's One Year Performance Review

By Ankit Panda
How did the new president of the People's Republic of China fare in his first year on the job?

China’s Shadow Banking Challenge

China’s Shadow Banking Challenge

By James Parker
As the government attempts to rebalance the economy, it will face testing moments in the shadow banking sector.
Now The Hard Part Begins: The China Challenge

Now The Hard Part Begins: The China Challenge

Xi Jinping has taken the reins of the Communist Party. With multiple domestic and international challenges mounting, there is much to be done.

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