Status of Forces Agreement

Ishiba Shigeru Wants a Stronger Japan-US Alliance. He Has an Unorthodox Vision For Doing That.
By Jio Kamata
Japan’s new prime minister has long called for more reciprocity in the alliance, including revisions in the Status of Forces Agreement and Japan-U.S. Security Treaty.

Sri Lankans Up in Arms Over US Military Pacts
By Sudha Ramachandran
A proposed Status of Forces Agreement with the US is stirring up political controversy in Sri Lanka.

US Push for New Military Agreement Runs Into Fierce Opposition in Sri Lanka
By Ana Pararajasingham
Negotiations over a renewed Status of Forces Agreement sparked local concerns about a possible U.S. base.

What to Watch in the Okinawa Governor's Election
By Mina Pollmann
The governor's race will have major ramifications for the long-stalled Futenma relocation project.

So, When Can We Expect a US-Afghanistan Security Agreement?
By Ankit Panda
After a year of delay, the U.S.-Afghanistan Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) will finally be signed.

NATO on Afghanistan: No Post-2014 Troop Numbers Plans Without Security Agreement
By Ankit Panda
NATO has no basis for keeping troops in Afghanistan beyond this year without a completed Status of Forces Agreement.

NATO Begins Negotiations With Afghanistan For Post-2014 Security Agreement
By Ankit Panda
The proposed NATO agreement with the Afghan government hinges on the completion of the BSA with the United States.
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