Stephen Walt

Finding Allies for China
By Asyura Salleh
China needs to build more alliances to challenge the U.S. in the Asia-Pacific.

How Much Do Strategic Thinkers Affect US Policy Anyway?
By Robert Farley
Foreign policy sometimes reflects what strategic thinkers recommend, but that might be coincidence.

Stephen Walt is Not Obama’s George Kennan
By Zachary Keck
Commonsense and U.S. precedent are the architects of Obama’s Middle East foreign policy.

Why China Will Determine If Asia Goes to War
As it rises, Beijing’s foreign policy choices will shape Asia’s security environment.
The Importance of Clear Writing
“Victory may go to the contestant who conveys ideas more fluently, not the one with superior ideas.”

The Interview: Stephen M. Walt
Stephen M. Walt discusses American alliances in Asia, U.S. – China relations, Iran and more.
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