Strait of Hormuz

The Indian Ocean in ASEAN's Future Maritime Discourse
By Sourabh Jyoti Sharma

Iran, Pakistan Hold Naval Drill in Hormuz Strait
By Zachary Keck

Eyeing Gulf Shipping, Iran’s Mass Producing Submarines
An Iranian admiral says Tehran is mass producing light submarines, possibly for the Strait of Hormuz.

Iran to Unveil New Submarine, UAVs, Fighter Jets and Missiles
Iran will roll out a slew of new domestically built military assets in the coming weeks.

Iran's "Carrier Killer" Missile Improves Accuracy
An IRGC official says Iran’s Khalij-e Fars anti-ship ballistic missile’s precision is now 8.5 meters, up from 30 meters.

USS Porter Collision: A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery
Things to watch as the investigation into a mysterious collision unfolds.

How Drama on the High Seas Could Spark a U.S-Iran War
A recent incident with Indian fishermen shows how easily Iran and the U.S. could slip into a conflict neither wants but may find hard to avoid.

Iran’s Strategy in the Strait of Hormuz
Iran would have much to lose in closing the strait. If Tehran’s economic security is endangered, it might choose a ‘measured’ response.

India's Achilles' Heel
India’s economy and its military have made rapid strides. But threats to energy security could undermine this.

Obama’s Special Forces Fascination
Barack Obama’s attraction to unconventional operations has perhaps only been rivaled by John F. Kennedy. But plans for a floating base have their limits.

Playing Poker in the Strait
Iran doesn’t need to carry out its threats over the Strait of Hormuz to cause the U.S. and others a headache.
Iran’s Asymmetric Threat
Iran’s navy may not be a match for the U.S. on the high seas, but the Strait of Hormuz offers plenty of ways for it to make life tricky.