strategic clarity

Making Sense of Biden’s Taiwan Policy
By Denny Roy
The Biden team thinks its adjustments to Taiwan policy will prevent a miscalculation by Beijing. Unfortunately, that may itself be a miscalculation.

US Moves Toward ‘Strategic Clarity’ Reveal Old Rifts in China-US Relations
By Kuan-Ting Chen and Joe Baldock
As President Biden doubles down on his commitment to defend Taiwan, the discrepancies between Chinese and U.S. interpretations of their foundational diplomatic policies are beginning to show.

Did Biden’s Taiwan Remarks Represent a US Policy Change?
By Gerrit van der Wees
“Strategic ambiguity” is not a policy; it is a tactic. The difference matters.

Why US Strategic Ambiguity Is Safer for Taiwan
By Simon Shin-wei Chen, Wang Kai-chun , and Samuel Hui
U.S. strategic ambiguity toward Taiwan restricts any unilateral decisions by both sides of the strait that could potentially escalate the situation.

‘Strategic Clarity’ Won’t Solve the United States’ Taiwan Dilemma
By Andy Zelleke
An open commitment to defend Taiwan won’t mean much unless the U.S. has the certain capacity to do so.
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